Hi there!

We're all a little mad here!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

April Day 10

Today is my daughter's birthday!  Happy Birthday, Jessica!  Oh how I love this girl!  She is strong and brave and a warrior!  She lives in Portland, Oregon where she's in the Doctorate program at Oregon College of Oriental Medicine.  She graduated with her Masters this past August.  I'm super proud of this beautiful girl of mine.  She's not afraid to go after her dreams, instead she achieves them! I'm going to share a few of my favorite pictures of this amazing girl of mine.  Not that I'm proud or anything!  Heeheehee!

Jess and me as she's telling the world exactly what she thinks about it all!
(One of my all time favorite pictures!  She did that herself!)
What an adorable little lady!
 Goat kisses!
Lots of goat kisses!
Look at the beautiful face!
 One of the many falls around Oregon!
 My oldest and my youngest!
Flyfishing, nice catch!
 Masters Graduation at OCOM
Happy Birthday, Jess!  I love you!

peace and love,


  1. That first photo! The BEST!!!! Happy Birthday to your kiddo!

  2. Beautiful photos! Happy birthday to your daughter.

  3. Lovely photos, I do love that first one! Happy Birthday to your daughter :)

  4. Proud mama moment, happiest of birthdays.

  5. What a beautiful woman you've raised. <3
